Since becoming law in 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has caused widespread debate across America. One particularly contentious provision is its individual mandate, which mandates Americans purchase health insurance or face a fine.
Many conservatives oppose this mandate because they see it as another step toward government-run healthcare system. This quizlet explores some of the reasons for the controversy surrounding ACA.
1. It required that children receive coverage through the government rather than their parents’ employers.
The Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) individual mandate has long been one of the most contentious aspects of its law; many conservatives and libertarians view it as expanding government involvement in healthcare delivery.
Prior to the ACA, some insurance companies could discriminate against those with preexisting conditions by placing limits on how much coverage was available in a lifetime policy. It put an end to such practices.
The Affordable Care Act also offers subsidies to make coverage on the exchanges more accessible, though due to a “family glitch”, those with family coverage must pay more. Analysts anticipate that eventually most states will comply with Medicaid expansion as this provides poor people with free money that stimulates economic activity and thus boosts economic activity.
2. It outlawed medical malpractice suits.
While the Affordable Care Act itself does not directly address medical malpractice, healthcare policy experts predicted it would change the landscape significantly in this area and this has indeed occurred.
One of the primary objectives of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is to put patients back in charge of their health coverage and care by decreasing insurance company influence over health coverage decisions and care delivery, such as making sure preexisting conditions can’t prevent people from getting coverage and cracking down on insurance company abuses.
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many people were able to gain health coverage for the first time – which has had a profound effect on medical malpractice claims rates. Studies have revealed that future health costs are one reason people file medical malpractice lawsuits; low-income individuals tend to bring less lawsuits because of personal relationships they share with their doctors or for other reasons.
3. It treated mental illness as a moral failing.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) expanded Medicaid and required insurance plans to cover mental health services at parity with other medical services; end annual and lifetime benefit limits and medical underwriting in individual and small-group markets; prohibit coverage exclusions for preexisting conditions, making health care more accessible and more affordable for millions of Americans with mental health conditions – an integral factor in decreasing uninsurance rates. This enabled millions more to afford health insurance policies than before – contributing significantly to lower uninsured rates.
Keep in mind that a significant proportion of Americans suffer from mental health disorders; many first appearing during childhood or adolescence. Without the ACA, these individuals would not have access to treatment they require.
If the Supreme Court rules against the Affordable Care Act (ACA), health insurance costs will increase while coverage will become less accessible for people living with mental health disorders. ACA was one of the most impactful pieces of legislation passed to improve health care for all Americans.
4. It required businesses with more than 50 employees to provide health coverage to their employees.
Before the Affordable Care Act (ACA) went into effect, health care professionals often found it challenging to provide their patients with comprehensive coverage. Millions of Americans were uninsured while millions more had inadequate coverage.
The Affordable Care Act addressed these problems by mandating that large businesses provide health insurance to their employees or pay a penalty, expanding Medicaid coverage, allowing children to remain on their parents’ policy until age 26 and eliminating lifetime caps on health care costs. Additionally, state or multistate-based insurance exchanges were created as well as tax credits to make buying coverage more cost effective for individuals and small businesses alike.
The Affordable Care Act mandated health plans offer minimum value, meaning they cover at least 60% of expected medical costs, and prevented insurers from setting annual or lifetime monetary caps or cancelling or revoking policies – both of which have caused great controversy among policyholders.