Obamacare (or Affordable Care Act), represents one of the nation’s most significant health reforms of recent times, drastically altering political dynamics while expanding access to health insurance for more people than ever before. At the same time, it imposed costs and changes upon many stakeholders groups and forced changes across many organizations.
Advocates of the Affordable Care Act point to its expansion of coverage and guarantees for preexisting conditions as key benefits of their support for it. However, some remain strongly opposed to it.
It is too expensive
The Affordable Care Act’s stated objective is not just to expand access, but to make health care more affordable as well. To assess if this goal has been accomplished, researchers from RAND calculated how changes to coverage and cost assistance will affect consumer spending in three groups: those earning under 138 percent of poverty level who become newly eligible for Medicaid when states opt to expand it; those making between 138-400% poverty level who may receive coverage and subsidies through individual marketplace plans; and those making over 400% poverty level who do not qualify for any subsidies or coverage or cost assistance plans.
Prior to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many people were at risk of incurring massive medical bills. A visit to an emergency room could leave one with an unexpected $30 bill for aspirin that they could have easily obtained at their local pharmacy for free – this is why its protections against such costs are crucial.
It is a government takeover
The Affordable Care Act (ACA, or Obamacare) seeks to expand access to health insurance coverage for all Americans while protecting consumers against insurance company tactics that drive up patient costs or restrict care access. But many have strong negative opinions of it; some find its intrusion intrusive while others claim their premiums have increased or they have lost coverage altogether as a result of it.
One major reason is that the Affordable Care Act is misunderstood. While 20 million Americans gained coverage through ACA exchanges through this law, only 25% of respondents to a recent Kaiser tracking poll knew this fact; and most Americans do not realize it expands Medicaid in states that approved it through ballot initiatives; plus it requires employers to offer coverage or face penalties imposed on firms which fail to do so.
It is a government mandate
Many Americans depend on the Affordable Care Act for health coverage, whether through buying it on the marketplace or through their employers. Some even received assistance from government funds, while others are enrolled under Medicaid expansions. Furthermore, the ACA established new rules and consumer protections which benefit all Americans.
As part of its requirements, for instance, this law mandates insurance companies spend 80-95% of premiums directly on care instead of profit – helping ensure everyone can access quality yet affordable health care. Furthermore, it prohibits discrimination against patients with preexisting conditions as well as allows young adults to remain on their parents’ plans.
However, the Affordable Care Act is far from perfect. When its website first went live it had numerous issues that caused confusion about how it worked and reduced enrollment numbers than anticipated. Furthermore, many Republicans question its role in healthcare delivery as they oppose individual mandate. Still, despite Trump’s attempts at disrupting it it continues to thrive and flourish despite his attempts at undermining it.
It is a government tax
12 years since its passage, Americans still hold diverse opinions regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA). While some say it has helped their families in tangible ways, others feel it has increased insurance costs or made accessing healthcare harder than before. Yet most Americans support keeping it in place despite any perceived issues.
One of the biggest winners from the Affordable Care Act are people who previously could not afford health coverage or had preexisting conditions but can now access affordable policies through marketplace. They can also take advantage of prescription drug coverage made possible through this act.
According to a KFF tracking poll, most Democrats and independents consider the Affordable Care Act essential. Their primary concerns revolve around its provisions that prevent insurance companies from denying coverage for those with preexisting conditions or charging women more for insurance than men.