Many who had health plans they liked and could afford are losing them due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Some are no longer allowed to renew them while others see premium increases.
All these changes have caused dissatisfaction among many conservatives with the Affordable Care Act, prompting some to become vocal opponents citing conservative political affiliation or perceived self-interest as motivating factors.
John McCain
McCain stood out as an important voice against President Donald Trump’s early efforts to dismantle Obamacare, particularly its provisions such as the risk corridor program meant to shield insurers from excessive losses; these were often seen by conservatives as insurance bailout programs despite longstanding traditions of these types of programs in Medicare Part D.
John McCain earned a reputation as an outspoken straight talker who was unafraid to challenge party orthodoxy. In particular, he voiced strong objections to torture as an instrument of U.S. foreign policy and ran for president on an anti-corruption platform in 2008. Unfortunately, cancer ultimately claimed him in August.
Mitt Romney
The JFK Library Foundation honored Romney with their 2021 Profile in Courage award for his votes to convict President Trump at his 2020 impeachment trial and for consistently and courageously upholding democracy. Romney faced intense public and political disapproval as well as threats to his physical safety for casting his vote against President Trump.
He has warned of China as one of the primary geopolitical and economic challenges facing us, urging Congress and the administration to devise a strategy which positions America and free nations more effectively against China’s rise.
Romney served as Governor of Massachusetts from 2003-2007. In 2008, he ran unsuccessfully for the Republican nomination; in 2021 however he defeated Jenny Wilson to replace Orrin Hatch as Senator from Utah.
Bob Dole
Bob Dole, a simple Kansas prairie boy who overcame Dust Bowl deprivation and serious battlefield wounds during World War II to become one of the longest-serving Republican Senate leaders ever, has passed away at 98. Representing Kansas both in Congress and in the Senate for 27 years as well as chairing its Finance Committee and advocating on veterans’ issues and disability advocacy was his legacy.
Dole was nominated as Republican presidential nominee in 1996 but ultimately lost to Democratic President Bill Clinton. While in office he made several television appearances including guest starring on Brooke Shields sitcom Suddenly Susan and being parodied himself on Late Show with David Letterman; additionally he would often serve as panelist on political talk shows.
Chuck Hagel
The Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare, has revolutionized how Americans access health insurance coverage. Over 10 million people – including those with preexisting conditions – have obtained coverage under this law since it took effect. Unfortunately, Republicans aim to repeal it once they take office.
Since the ACA became law, several lawsuits and legislative initiatives have attempted to alter or repeal parts of it; while some were successful while others weren’t.
Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialty, two major American retailers, recently filed suits against the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that employers cover contraceptives in insurance plans. If these disputes continue unresolved, their implications could have far-reaching repercussions for millions of Americans – and possibly their health as well.
John Boehner
John Boehner was raised in a large Roman Catholic family in southwestern Ohio and later served in Congress from Ohio’s 8th congressional district as a Republican member. After leaving office in 2015 he now works at Squire Patton Boggs as senior strategic advisor in Washington D.C.
He led the Republican effort against President Obama’s health care reform and legislation that tightened financial regulations, as well as leading a group known as “Gang of Seven”. By raising awareness for their scandal-ridden House Bank and House Post Office.
He has advocated for balancing the budget through massive cuts that disproportionately benefit wealthy and corporate interests, and strives to build trust between Americans and their representatives in Congress.