The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been one of the most significant health reforms ever passed, featuring policies to enhance consumer protections, promote prevention and wellness, strengthen the healthcare workforce, and contain rising healthcare costs.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) also extended Medicaid coverage to low-income adults and made it simpler for people to purchase private health insurance. These policies have accounted for much of the expansion in health coverage since enactment of the ACA.
How many people are uninsured?
Following the passage of the Affordable Care Act, both numbers and percentages of people without health insurance have begun to decrease. Nonetheless, many Americans remain without coverage or have inadequate coverage.
Young adults are significantly more likely to lack health coverage than their older counterparts due to social, economic, and demographic reasons.
Families with low incomes are more likely to go uninsured, while those with moderate or higher earnings have a greater chance of having employment-based health insurance. Furthermore, the age of the primary wage earner and certain characteristics of their employer influence whether or not a family will receive coverage.
Wage-earners employed in small firms (fewer than 25 employees), lower wage firms and nonunionized businesses are more likely to lack health insurance than those working for larger employers. Families whose primary wage earners work in sales (“wholesale and retail trade”) also experience a high rate of uninsurance – representing the largest group of uninsured working families.
How many people have health insurance?
Health care coverage is an integral component of good health and wellbeing. It helps people access timely medical attention, as well as shielding them from potentially catastrophic costs when they become seriously ill or injured.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has made significant strides towards increasing access to health insurance, particularly through marketplace subsidies and Medicaid expansion. Unfortunately, cost remains a primary obstacle for many who remain uninsured.
Young adults (ages 18-34) are especially at-risk for being uninsured. Members of this age group are nearly twice as likely to lack coverage as those under 65 in the general population (Figure 7).
Uninsured persons include working families and low-income individuals. Rates vary between regions and states, with higher rates in non-expansion states. Most uninsured are U.S. citizens and non-Hispanic whites; however, they are disproportionately represented by persons of color such as Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, American Indians/Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders.
How many people have health care?
People typically obtain health care through three main methods: directly from the Marketplace, through an employer-sponsored plan or by purchasing a public health plan like Medicare, Medicaid or TRICARE from government programs.
According to your individual circumstances, it may make financial sense to enroll in one of those plans. However, there are numerous variables that could influence whether or not this decision is made.
Cost is the primary factor that affects your decision, though other factors like age and health condition may also factor in.
However, the uninsured rate has continued to decrease over the years due to the Affordable Care Act which made it easier for people to obtain affordable health insurance through the Marketplace and expanded Medicaid eligibility in many states. These policy modifications helped bring down the uninsured rate to an all-time low of 8 percent by 2022.
How many people need health care?
The Affordable Care Act provided millions of Americans with access to high-quality, affordable health insurance – many for the first time in their lives. Passed in 2010, this landmark law is now an integral part of our healthcare system, providing millions with high-quality coverage at a price they can afford.
Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, more than 30 million people have gained coverage through Marketplace and Medicaid programs. While those numbers are up in 2018, coverage gains have plateaued or even reversed in many states.
Despite these advancements, affordability remains a major obstacle for those who remain uninsured. According to a recent survey, nearly one-third of uninsured adults who hadn’t attempted to get Marketplace coverage cited affordability as one of their main concerns.
Around the country, there is a network of navigators trained to assist individuals with navigating the health insurance marketplace and signing up for coverage. These navigators are receiving more assistance than they did during President Trump’s administration and are better equipped to assist people in signing up for coverage.