The Affordable Care Act (ACA) offers families tax credits to purchase health insurance through both state and federal Marketplaces.
Premium subsidy amounts are determined based on household income projections, but may need to be adjusted if your actual earnings change during the year. As a result, you may have to repay some or all of your subsidy when filing taxes.
A premium tax credit can help you reduce the cost of health insurance. It’s a refundable credit available to individuals and families who purchase an Exchange plan on the Marketplace.
Premium tax credits are determined by factors such as income and household composition. You may apply for a premium tax credit when filing your taxes or during open enrollment in the ACA Marketplace.
An advance premium tax credit, also known as an advance premium reduction credit, is available. This payment to your health insurer during the year can amount to thousands of dollars in savings annually.
If you’re uncertain if or not you qualify for Obamacare tax credits, try our Premium Tax Credit Estimator tool. It estimates how much money you could receive based on your personal details, such as MAGI (Marital Adjusted Gross Income). Be sure to enter accurate data when using this tool.
What are the requirements for Obamacare tax credits?
A tax credit is a subsidy that can be applied to your health insurance premium payments. To be eligible, you must meet income criteria, purchase an eligible plan, and make timely enrollment and payment deposits.
Fortunately, there are plenty of providers and plans to choose from. The top obamacare plans provide a comprehensive range of benefits at prices that are within reach for many families. In fact, some insurance carriers charge a flat monthly rate regardless of your income level. You may also find plans with customizable benefits like preventative care or dental coverage to suit individual needs.
Obamacare has become a go-to way for many to obtain affordable health coverage. To make an informed decision based on your needs and budget, use an online health insurance comparison tool to compare plans.
Payment options
Tax credits to help pay for health insurance are no small feat, and many marketplace participants are still cutting costs. Among the many payment options offered by Obamacare administration, one that stands out is the advanced premium tax credit (APTC). As its name implies, a substantial portion of your premium is paid in advance by the IRS – meaning lower monthly payments that actually reduce out-of-pocket expenses. While not available to all consumers, those who cannot afford to forgo coverage or simply want more cash in their pockets will find value in using this tax credit.
Many have asked if Obamacare tax credits are refundable. In certain cases, the answer is yes – if you’ve received advance premium payments (APCs), then it could be eligible for a tax refund.
But if the amount credited to you exceeds what was paid in taxes, then you must repay the excess to the IRS. Your excess subsidy repayment cap may differ annually based on your income and filing status.
As the name implies, Obamacare tax credits are designed to lower premiums for individuals and families purchasing insurance through an exchange or marketplace. These credits are available to households with modified adjusted gross income of up to 400% of the federal poverty level.
The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act extended the premium tax credit through 2025, making it easier for Americans to purchase affordable health care. Without this credit, many Americans would have gone uninsured or left the individual market, leading to significant increases in state-based premiums and worsened health outcomes across the marketplace’s risk pool.